Archive for the ‘Graduation’ Category

Nothing really special

Posted: May 23, 2007 in Graduation, Life, UT Austin

It feels weird being a graduate. Nothing feels different. I feel no smarter, no additionally accomplished, not anything. But then again, I didn’t really expect to feel any different because a degree only means that you were able to complete some random requirements set forth by the university. It doesn’t ensure stability of your life or that you’ll get a job to support your every need. (more…)


Posted: May 21, 2007 in Graduation, Loves, Tequila, UT Austin

I went out on Saturday to celebrate my graduation and saw a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a long time, one of them being my pledge sis Phuong and my lil sis Kim. I had a lot of fun and I really miss going out with people like them. And additionally, everyone and their mama was out on 6th celebrating their own graduations or their friends’ graduations.

Cheers to that!

The only downside of that night was that Bao and Tequila are down in Houston and I had to return early to a lonely, empty, scary apartment by myself. (more…)

CLASS OF 2007!

Posted: May 19, 2007 in Graduation, UT Austin

Congratulations to my fellow graduating class of 2007 seniors!

Finally it’s done; today was the UT College of Natural Science’s Biology graduation. Of course, graduation was a bit long and this one didn’t really matter as much as the one I’ll have in four years for Pharmacy school. But still, it’s nice.. (more…)

I’m lucky..

Posted: May 18, 2007 in Graduation, Loves, UT Austin

I’m lucky to be blessed to have a wonderful and supportive parents. My parents always expect more than I can give to them but when I actually give them a fraction of what they expect, they’re really happy. Maybe because I am the youngest and they have developed calluses to failures after having two older brothers. I’m not saying my brothers are failures; in fact, they are far from it. But everyone has made mistakes and pissed their parents off along the pathway to adulthood and I know my brothers were not perfect children, as I was not either.

In speech class, the books always said to conclude speeches with a bang, not a whimper. And I like to apply that theory to life in general, more specifically academics.

As you know, I am about to graduate in a few days. I have been subject to senioritis (go ahead, type in senioritis in the search box up there and see how many entries turn up that match ‘senioritis’) many times this year but there has always been that nerdy incentive in me to get all A’s still. (more…)