Archive for the ‘Las Vegas’ Category

goodbye 2008

Posted: December 28, 2008 in Las Vegas, Life, Loves, The Killers

there are only a handful of days left in 2008 and as i say goodbye to 2008 i feel like it has been both good and bad. it has been what it is and of course i’ve learned much this year and will continue to do so.

2009 is almost here. 9 is my lucky number….even though that doesn’t really mean anything because what is going to happen in 2009 will happen anyway. since i didn’t really celebrate christmas because our family doesn’t practice christian-ism any longer, i really want to bring in the new year and celebrate the year’s end right. it’s really my only big holiday of the winter i like to go big. also i feel like it is a holiday that every person on the planet can relate to regardless of their religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, etcetc. which gives it more reason to be the bigger. at first i was just going to brush it off and welcome the new year quietly. but i’ve decided today that i should give 2009 a big welcome after all..

as for 2009 plans, i hope to travel a lot. so far i’m going to tennessee (snowboarding) in january and las vegas in december. every month in between that is up for grabs. some possibilities include hawaii and .. that’s about it. haha. damnit, i really need to think of places to go and plan the trips asap.

on a side note, here are some awesome killer’s lyrics from one of their new songs ‘this is your life’:
wait – for something better,
no one behind you, watching your shadows
you gotta be stronger than the story
don’t let it blind you..

not really sure what it means but when he sings the chorus i get tingles down my spine.


Posted: June 21, 2008 in Austin, Las Vegas, Loves

I don’t know exactly what it is about this city but I am in love with just about everything about it.

I moved to AUSTIN, tx in 2003 and have lived here consecutively since then except for winter holidays and have not gotten sick of it, ever. When I am in other cities, I long to return here. When I am here, I dread leaving here to go elsewhere. There is always so much to do. Today I ran along the Shoal Creek trail, and could have gone longer to Town Lake but time was running out and I was tired. There is still so much to do here like Barton Springs pool, canoeing, skydiving, tubing, eating at Austin’s treasure houses, — a lot of outdoorsy stuff. <333

One of my best friends is in Las Vegas right now, having the time of his life. I know how Vegas is, especially for someone that has never been there before. Usually I would be jealous and mope around because I wasn’t there, but I think I have so much love for this city that I don’t care that he’s in Vegas while I am here. Austin isn’t full of luxury and such, but it has so much to do; Vegas can get tiring after a week or so.

I never want to leave. I think I’ve found the perfect place to stay..

I just wish it wasn’t so damn hot during the summers here in Texas. :[

Speeches and me

Posted: March 8, 2007 in Classes, Las Vegas, Life, UT Austin

Sigh, I’m kind of bummed. I didn’t do as swell as I thought I did on my speech. I tried though, I really did. I guess next time I just have to be less nervous and more audience-focused.

Damn speech class, I’m doing this for YOU, UH COP.

In other news, I have two tests back to back tomorrow. Great. Then I have to rush home and pack all my shiznats for Vegas + 2 weeks of out of town fun, and then rush home to Houston and prepare for my UH COP interview tomorrow.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just look on the bright side. UH COP wants to get to know me, and I want to show them that I’m a good candidate for their school. And plus, each day brings me closer to VEGAS, where I can finally relax with my baby for a little bit.

-The feeling of satisfaction I get after working out.
-When guys pay for my food! =) or when guys open the door for me.
-Happy, hyper Tequila when I get home.
-The Killers.
-Beauty products from Bath & Body works/Sephora. [I can’t stop spending on these!! AHH!]
-Ebay and how easy it is to buy/sell stuff on there. [on the flip side I hate paypal right now..]
-Being able to fit into clothes properly again, all while looking good in them.
-Las Vegas.
-making new friends in class

I hate to sound pessimistic (as I did in my last entry). Things are going fairly okay in my life right now. Two interviews left and I am officially done with it all. I won’t have to worry anymore about rx school, because I’ll have done everything I can at that point. All I’ll have left to do is sit tight and wait. As for school, classes are going fine, except maybe for plant molecular biology. I didn’t do as well as I wanted on the test, but it still averaged out to a B. I need that A though..

The days are getting prettier and prettier, despite the heat that comes along with it. It’s a good time for pool side tanning!

My schedule just got a lot more chaotic over the course of an hour.

Texas Tech silently likes to torture their Pharmacy school candidates by quietly sneaking in an invitation to an interview which can be discovered only if the applicant feels like logging into their application online. If I hadn’t logged into see if they received my last recommendation, I wouldn’t have even found out in time!

So now…here’s my new schedule:
Thursday March 8th: Finish classes around 3:30PM and then drive home to Houston.
Friday March 9th: All day interview at UH College of Pharmacy
Saturday March 10th: Prepare for Texas Tech interview, shop for last minute Vegas necessities
Sunday March 11th: Flight to Amarillo Tx at 7ish PM, Arrive in Amarillo around 8:30PM
Monday March 12th: All day interview at Texas Tech College of Pharmacy, Flight to Houston around 7PM, Arrive home around 10PM
Tuesday March 13th: Flight to Las Vegas, NV around 7ish PM
Wedesday March 14th-Saturday March 17th: GO CRAZY FROM ALL THIS HARDCORE INTERVIEWING!!, Fly back on Saturday 11PM
Sunday March 18th: Arrive at like 8am or something (YES SHITTY ASS FLIGHT!!), Sleep for a few hours, Drive back to Austin, TX
Monday March 19th: Presentation for BIO359K, 2PM

I have no idea when I’m going to prepare the presentation for BIO359K.. Oh well. IT SHALL BE DONE somehow.

Whopeee for a fun-filled, hectic spring break.