Archive for the ‘Pharmacy’ Category


Posted: May 16, 2011 in Pharmacy school

i am 4 days away from becoming a doctor of pharmacy.

how does it feel?  absolutely fantastic.

other than that, everything in my life is up in the air right now.  i still do not have a job lined up and i do not know where i will be living for the next year.  i always planned to get my butt out of texas right after finishing school but i am quickly realizing that that plan is a lot harder than i imagined.  it was a lot easier when you had the financial backing of your powerful parents behind you.  without their help, the idea crumbles like a thin sheet of paper under the weight of a heavy rock.  so for now, i’m stuck in houston – the very city i wanted out of in the first place.  my other option is austin, but there are not very many pharmacy career opportunities there, and the ones there don’t enable you to grow very much.

now to root why i hated houston in the first place. i blame it on living outside the loop.  after living inside the loop for the past 9 months i have to say i’ve come to like it a lot more, and i plan on doing so if i do sign with a local hospital.  living here will keep my living costs low  in the meantime to free up money for what i want to be my first big purchase…. so we will see what happens on that end.  i hate to betray the best city in texas, austin, and leave it for houston but i am realizing some subtle changes in my life that might make houston better for me right now.  austin is great, young, and liberal.  but i am about to be of the older age bracket and will begin to make money..and want to spend my time in nicer places.  of course austin has very expensive areas but a big part of it is constructed for the college aged (aka poorer) crowd.  nothing wrong with that at all….. and i wouldn’t mind being a part of that at all if it came down to it.

i’ve realized i love to dream 3 months in ahead.  sometimes i need to just slow down and deal with life day by day.

nevertheless, i am very excited that in 4 days i will be Dr. WU!!!! :)


Posted: May 20, 2010 in Austin, Pharmacy

a new chapter of my life is to begin soon so i changed the look of my blog. :]

anyway, i’m officially a P4 and i’m moving away from my beloved AUSTIN, TX soon. a new chapter of my life is about to begin, beginning with 2 months in barcelona and then the rest of the year until may 2011 occurs. my schooling is not quite yet over, but the 4th year of my pharmacy school career will surely be very different from all my other years of schooling.

i’m sad to see it go, but at the same time i’m getting tired of the same old bullshit. i’m ready to grow up and nurture a relationship with a man that can really appreciate me and treat me the way i should be treated instead of a piece of shit. i have an idea of what kind of man i want to be and hell, i even have an idea of the specific guy i want to try and develop a serious, long-term relationship with but i really don’t know what the future holds for us and if it’ll ever be happen.

seriously, i’ve found love and i don’t want to let it go. life might make me let go because we just may never have the chance, and i don’t even want to think how hard it will be to let go..


Posted: September 28, 2009 in Pharmacy, Work

i have to rant about work..i just have to. the store i work at now has patients that are more calm/patient than the last store i work at. however this pharmacy is pretty much a mess. we are understaffed and need another cashier because we not one but two registers + a drive thru that need to be taken care of whereas other pharmacies with my company have just one register. anyway, the point is..this store is busy. but the customers are more patient. so in the end, it’s not as bad..customer service-wise.

the BAD thing about it is one of the pharmacists that works there. she talks to us with a tone that sets off a i-want-to-quit-right-now train of thoughts in my head. she talks to us like we’re kids and don’t know anything. she sighs and freaks out as if nothing at all is getting done right. she stops us in our tasks of wahtever we’re doing at the moment (filling/inputing/working at the register) to do smething else.

i’m not going to lie. i did a misfill this weekend. not the wrong drug, but a miscount, and the counts were off by a lot. and yes, although it’s ultimately my fault, it could have easily been prevented. if that pharmacist had never interrupted me 20x and stopped me in between that 3 part prescription i could have finished filling it in a minute. instead, i would grab the bottle off the shelf, pour some off and get interrupted to take care of the register. then i’d come back , count some more, and she’d make me answer the phone. then i’d forget about it because she would make me go input prescriptions. in the end, that 3 part prescription took 10 or 15 minutes to fill when she should have just let me finish filling it and let the customer at the register hold on for an extra minute or so.

she talks shit about the entire staff when we close the doors to the pharmacy and we’re still in there cleaning up from the day’s mess alone. when it’s just the two of us, she talks about how unorganized the PIC is, how nothing gets done and how she has to get everything done, and then she rants individually about each individual tech. that irks me, because it makes me think of what she says about ME when she’s alone with another member of the staff.

so she goes and yells and freaks out when prescriptions are not ready by the time the customer gets to the register. however at the same time she tells them that the wait time is only 15-20 minutes when they drop off the prescription when in reality we have 5 other people waiting in front of them. WTF?? and then she gets all exasperated bc theyre not ready. well what the fuck lady?? tell them a more reasonable time… ugh! and i’m the one who had to deal with the impatient ones all weekend since we had no cashier.

anyway, as a person she is okay. as a pharmacist…HORRIBLE! i feel like all the techs leave because she drives them away. i never want to work with a pharmacist like her or be anything like her when i’m done with school. but i already knew that…and it feels like i’m not really learning anything new here except more confidence with counseling and how to work a drive thru.

i can’t stand working alone with her because she pulls me in 10 different directions. she tells me to do one thing, but when i start doing it she tells me to do another thing just because she begins to freak out. and it’s nothing to freak out about….it’s expected for wait times to be longer when there a pharmacy is understaffed. you just gotta let the patients know that the wait time will be longer in the first place, the end!

also i don’t think she realizes the value of a technician, cuz she treats her techs like shit. none of us like her, and none of us have loyalty to her – as in, if she left stores we wouldn’t follow her; in fact i think we’d rejoice. i know a lot of pharmacists that have technician loyalty and that’s important. it seems almost obvious that she was never a technician before and definitely treats them like they are subpar. it’s funny because my boss/manager says that she doesn’t get the same vibe/experience working with bitch pharmacist.. but she says a lot of other technicians have told her that this pharmacist is hard to work with. and i’m like hello, earth to PIC!! she’s not gonna treat you like shit! youre her colleague and boss – and she’s fake!!!!! duhhhhh.

lastly, i hate people who are fake. i hate people that are friendly on the outside just because someone has status (a white coat). example: rude customer comes back and we don’t have his rxs ready so he’s all bitchy and shit to the technicians and cashiers. then the pharmacist rings him up and he’s all smiling and making small talk with the white coat. wtf? it just shows that he’s fucking fake and feels he’s above others. fucking disgusts me.

i told my pharmacist in charge today that i cant’ work alone with the other pharmacist. i gotta watch out for my back too! now i have a misfill and i’m gtting written up because of that stupid bitch that doesn’t know how to keep her cool. why do i have to take the fall for that shit? i gotta watch my own back with people like her..bitch.

Posted: September 17, 2009 in Pharmacy, Work

hmm i’m not sure how good i’m feelin about this 40 hours thing. i think it’ would be perfectly manageable if i wasn’t taking class simultaneously and trying to be active in organizations at school still.. but it really does give me a taste of what work will be like come a few years from now.

it just sucks though cuz i feel i have no time for myself or my friends or my boyfriend. and when i get home from work it’s late & i’m too tired to do anything..sometimes up to 11pm and it feels pretty lonely in the apartment.. *sigh. we’ll see if i’m still a full timer a few weeks from now.


Posted: August 27, 2009 in Austin, Classes, Pharmacy school, UT Austin, Work

i’ve been bad with updating lately. so much has happened in such a short amount of time since school quickly came to an abrupt end:

school ended, finals on a saturday and then monday. completed all PT classes with flying colors, but can’t say the same for law and iv lecture (even though i know i deserved an A damn it).

i turned 24 on west 6th with some fellow pharmacy partiers on a hot wednesday night and drank too much once again. i’ve realized it’s really, REALLY hard NOT to get wasted on your bday with everyone wanting to buy you a damn bday shot and having even just 5 people there is no bueno for me since my tolerance is low as heck, so it really didn’t help that there were like 20 people there… haha. let’s just say that night was a blur.

san francisco!. on the DAY of my bday flew to sf with my boyfriend and had a great time there. the weather is amazing and was such a big refreshment from the nastyness of austin. stayed there for 4 days and visited napa valley, carmel, and had an amazing $400/person french laundry dinner + wine with my awesome brother who has the coolest infiniti suv wannabe car. i want to live his life…sigh. haha. maybe one day..maybe.

back to reality now.. in austin, tx as my lightest semester of the year. school has begun but it’s so light that i was able to movie hop yesterday and watched 500 days (eh) and inglourious basterds (awesome, a must see and yes that is how it is actually spelled). then went out to good ol’ spazmatics with phuong and annie like old times and surprise surprise, DRANK TOO MUCH AGAIN. i can’t control myself around alcohol, sigh. anyway went to class at 930 this morn drunk still from last night and now i’m here bloggin to you.

so far i love this semester. i’m done so early and have the rest of the day to do whatever. this won’t be the case soon though, because i’m working full time at the pharmacy soon. i need the money, i have credit card debt racking up to my right and left and i’m busting booty to pay it off completely.

and finally, i’m starting to hit the gym again TONIGHT. i seriously need to get back into my target goal weight range. i’m quitting oc’s too, that should help with my nasty craving for disgusting food. and finally i must not only quit the disgusting food but also eat WELL and stick with it. i miss being rock hard and chiseled!