Archive for the ‘Loves’ Category


Posted: March 26, 2009 in Loves

i am currently reading the time traveler’s wife and it’s a romance type novel (don’t ask me where the hell i find time in my hectic schedule to do so..). so i read a little of it before bed last night and then i ended up dreaming that i was the time traveler (girl version) and that i time jumped to a period of time where i lived in alaska and had met the boy of my dreams there.

anyway, then i woke up frantically (because i had snoozed and overslept) but luckily not TOO late and usually when i awake from romantic dreams i am sad because in the past i hadn’t had anybody in real life to be disgustingly romantic with.

but now..i guess i do. :) and that makes me smile. and barf a little inside. i can’t believe i’m even updating with this as i speak. *barf*

growing list of reads!

Posted: March 23, 2009 in Loves

yay! more and more people are jumping on the BLOG bandwagon. i knew you people had it in you guys to reactivate some sort of online journal! those xanga days are long gone and over and now a lot of us have moved to blogger (and me: wordpress). i miss reading people’s updates, especially people i know. for awhile i was lonely and had nobody’s blog to read except angry pharmacists’ that i knew nothing about. but now more and more friends are getting back on the blog bandwagon and my reading list is growing.

be sure to check them out, in the bottom right somewhere where it says ‘people’.

off the market..

Posted: March 22, 2009 in Loves

i find myself officially off the market yet once again..

smitten, on 0322. :D

feels like home next to him..

feels like home next to him..


Posted: March 15, 2009 in Austin, Loves

so many things going on this week. mucho music to check out.


SXSW 2009!!!!


Posted: March 12, 2009 in Austin, Loves

It started raining in Austin yesterday. .. The cloudy, gloomy non-stop type that has managed to linger until today and will probably stay throughout the weekend. Well by the evening the rain had subsided and Mikey and I decide to go study at Starbucks. We get there, only to find that it is super packed so I left my car there and we walked over to the Union.

We get our study on and then decide to leave at 1am. We walk towards the exit only to find that it is pouring cats and dogs outside. We stood there facing a dilemma.. run to my car (2 minutes away) in the rain or wait out until the rain subsides? Well, me being the lover of sleep that I am, decided that we should run our dry, warm butts to my car so I could get home and sleep. So we venture out at 1AM where the streets are empty, puddles galore, with Mikey in his flip flops and me in my white UGGs. DAMNIT! The 2 minute walk/run (we tried not to run to not splash in puddles..) seemed like 5 minutes and we even ran by a cop in his car who was probably laughing his ass off at us. We finally got into my car jumped in, and sat there soaked and panting like mad men.

That, my friends, was not fun, but secretly it was kind of. We were laughing and being crazy running the whole way to my car, hahaha.

Well the rain has brought something that I like back into Austin, and that is the COLD WEATHER. Everyone else hates it but I secretly love this cold weather. I wish it could be winter all year long.

It’s not that I LOVE the cold or being cold or anything. I’m not that girl or boy you see in the street in 40 degree weather with shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops (true story! I saw a guy in this outfit today walking to my Rather, it’s my enormous loathing of HEAT that makes me appreciate it when temperatures fall below 60 degrees. I love layering up and not getting all sweaty from my surroundings. I love wearing long sleeves and scarves and cold boots. The only thing that I don’t like about the cold is the harsh wind against my bare face.

Just to give you an idea of how much I love the cold: my ideal Spring Break vacation would be somewhere cold with snow, spent snowboarding and huddling around fires and hot tubs in the cold, rather than somewhere tropical. I get so bored laying there in the sun, although the ocean can be very calming. I get restless, I hate tanning and just laying there doing nothing. I gotta be doing something active and you can’t really do that when you lay out on the beach. I guess you could surf, but where in Texas could you SURF?!?!

I’ve decided that the first BIG purchase I’ll do when I start working is investing in a snowboarding cabin get away somewhere in Colorado or near Lake Tahoe.. :D